Discover expert acupuncture services in Seattle at Synergy Acupuncture. Specializing in pain relief, stress reduction, and wellness. Located in Leschi.
Acupuncture is a safe and effective method for treating both acute and chronic painful conditions and injuries as well as an aid for relaxation and emotional regulation, using fine, sterile needles at the location of the acupuncture points. Acupuncture points lie along the channels or meridians and are based on an energetic model of the human form that has its roots in Taoist philosophy, which poetically views the human form as a microcosm of the universe, a tiny depiction of the whole. Acupuncture is an essential part of traditional Chinese medicine, dating back 3000 years. Acupuncture along with herbal medicine is generally held to have originated in China and from there found its way to Japan, Korea and beyond. In the early 1970’s acupuncture began to grow in popularity worldwide and continues to gain recognition for its efficacy and uses.
Welcome to Synergy Acupuncture, your trusted choice for Seattle acupuncture and holistic healing. Led by experienced acupuncturist Shannon Angstead, LAc, we specialize in natural approaches to pain relief, stress reduction, and overall wellness. Conveniently located in the Leschi acupuncture neighborhood, our clinic offers personalized care for conditions such as back pain, knee pain, and chronic health issues. With a focus on alternative medicine and natural medicine, we are dedicated to helping you achieve balance, vitality, and lasting health through effective, compassionate treatments.
Discover expert acupuncture services in Seattle at Synergy Acupuncture. Specializing in pain relief, stress reduction, and wellness. Located in Leschi.